Friday 4 April 2014

Baby's First Cold

So my very first Mother's Day was wonderful but marred by one thing - Harrison developed a nasty, snotty cold and spent most of Sunday night awake and crying. It must have been quite frightening for him, babies tend to breathe through their noses so having his little airways blocked up must have been very frightening for him. Since then I've had to take him to the doctors as his ear also started leaking neon yellow fluid. Turns out our poor little mite has an ear infection too. And after four days of broad spectrum Amoxicillin to clear it up, we found out yesterday that he needs medicine more specific - something called Floxicillin. The pharmacist wouldn't meet my eyes when I asked her what it tasted like, 'oh it's erm...raspberry...'. Yeah, right. I tasted it before giving it to him yesterday and it tastes like raspberries - smeared with earwax and nail varnish remover. It's the most bitter thing I've ever had the misfortune of tasting. After a hefty glass of orange juice I could still taste the sticky, bitter, evil gloop. Poor Harrison looked like I was trying to poison him when I gave it to him via syringe the first time. And now most of it ends up spat out on a muslin. Sigh. Still, if it makes him well then it will all be worth it.

Above are some recent photos of Harrison with his great Nan and Nanny (my mum and nan). They both adore Harrison which is amazing. 

These other photos are my brothers Ben and Kevin with Harrison. He is so lucky to have two amazing uncles he can look up to and guide him as he gets older. I love how great (most of) my family are with Harrison. It makes me so happy to see them making a fuss of him, playing with him etc. as he's the first grandchild on my side of the family, it's evident why he's thoroughly spoiled! 

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