Saturday 5 October 2013

One Month Till Due Date!

I'm currently laying in bed waiting for sleep to come find me. It's been a busy week celebrating two major events: my 29th birthday and one month till our due date! Of course, I understand that due dates are very rarely accurate, but it has given us something to focus on. I'm pleased to say we've finally finished the nursery today! The wall stickers are up and they look absolutely fantastic! 

We've also completed our hypnobirthing course this week and we are both feeling much more prepared and excited (rather than fearful) about our baby's arrival. We've been listening to the CD most nights, practicing the visualizations and breathing techniques and also I've finally finished the book, which was incredibly insightful. My birthing ball turned up this week so I've also been having fun sitting on that and bouncing around to encourage baby into the ideal position. It's so crazy to think that possibly this time next month we'll be holding him in our arms! I'm so excited and just filled up with happiness. 

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