Monday, 15 April 2013

Blooming Awful!

At the moment I have a whole host of terrible symptoms which are making me feel very poorly.

A couple of weeks ago I developed perocoronitis around my lower left wisdom tooth which was agonising and made my face swell up like Don Corleone's. I had an emergency appointment with a dentist who prescribed me amoxicillin (general antibiotics) and some Corsodyl mouthwash. After a few days the swelling reduced and my desperate need for pain killers decreased, so last week I was able to teach the Easter holiday workshops without too much fuss.

But over the weekend I've developed a nasty cold and a horrible wracking cough which amounts to tear streaked coughing fits and me trying to catch my breath. The pain in my wisdom tooth has also started up again, it's even started to swell a little bit. My lips are sore and cracked too, so eating has become a nightmare. And now, just to make matters even worse, I've got a rash on my arms, chest and belly.

So generally I feel pretty shocking.

I've booked an appointment with the dentist for Wednesday afternoon (I have now registered with a good dentist so hopefully no more emergency appointments for me) and I'm expecting a phonecall from my doctor this afternoon, hopefully just to reassure me that it's all a virus and I will get better in a couple of days.

I've got so much work on at the moment too, I think I'd really benefit from just having a couple of days off! The weekends are never long enough to rest up and relax. Especially as I need to carry out most of the household chores on the weekends. It all feels very stressful and overwhelming. Above all else, I want to make sure Peanut is safe, but I don't have any energy left for panicking. I'm just quietly hoping that all will be well, and like a ship in a storm, my body is taking the battering whilst my little baby is sleeping safely in a cocoon in the belly of the ship.

Some good news though, my tiredness seems to be levelling out. Despite the illness, I was able to walk to work this morning and felt quite energetic. We've had a couple of days of good sunshine and its been so nice to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin.

J and I also went shopping on the weekend and bought some new clothes, including some new jeans, tops and some beautiful stretchy dresses for our holiday. I am really looking forward to having 11 days in the sunshine now!

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