Things always get worse before they get better. The infection in my wisdom tooth turned into an abscess over the weekend and was giving me a tremendous amount of pain. On Monday I had to go to the dentist (again) and have the abscess drained, which was so unbelievably painful! I sat there quietly, close to the limit of my endurance, whilst the dentist pressed the heel of her hand into my swollen lower jaw using the full force of her body weight. It was agonising, but made me feel like superwoman afterwards as I thought that if I could survive that, I could surely survive childbirth!
Now I'm feeling much better. The infection is practically gone, the rash disappeared after a few days and the cough and cold have gone.
Today, J and I went to the hospital for my 12 week scan. This is officially the dating scan and I'm pleased to say it went well! After my tummy got lubed up, I laid back, held J's hand and watched the screen anxiously. And there was Peanut, nestled safely in my womb, sucking its little thumb and kicking its little legs! It was an amazing experience and one I'm so glad to share with J! I hope he now feels how real it all is, I think it must be difficult for dads to connect this early on. And now we can say that I'm officially due on the 5th November!
We have opted to be screened for Downs Syndrome so they took lots of measurements of Peanut and gave me a blood test afterwards. If its bad news (please don't be bad news!) we will find out in 3 days. If its good news, we won't hear at all.
And here is one of the photos the nurse took of Peanut! Our little baby, our precious child.
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