I'm 5 weeks and 5 days today and I have come across a strange pattern. I'm eating lots of red food, the redder the better! Raspberries, tomatoes, pomegranate juice, bolognese sauce, cherries... I'm craving pretty much anything that's red.
Last week I bought radishes for the first time ever. I probably haven't eaten a radish since I was 7, but I suddenly got a real hankering for the peppery fresh bite of a radish. I cut some up and had them in a salad but they weren't as fierce as I remember sadly. It wasn't until I read the packet afterwards that I saw that radishes are a naturally potent source of folic acid. I've of course been taking my pregnancy vitamins, but I marvelled at how my body could engineer a craving so Peanut could get the nutrients it needs.
So far I've not had any morning sickness and I dearly hope that it's a sign of things to come. Although I have felt a little queasy the last couple of days so maybe it will all change soon!
I'm also not experiencing as many twinges and fluttery type sensations as I did 2 weeks ago. I feel a bit conflicted by this - on one hand my worrying doubts start creeping in - if I can't feel anything does that mean Peanut's developing OK? But the other, more rational side of me is more convincing. I think maybe I've already got used to the new sensations and they're not taking me by surprise as much. It will be so exciting when Peanut is big enough to move and kick inside me though because at the moment I would love to know and see what's going on. At least a kick would keep my worst fears in check.
I'm still feeling tired, though perhaps not so much as 2 weeks ago. Once again, maybe my body is getting used to the extra pressure and is coping better.
I'm literally counting down the days until these 12 weeks are up and I can have a scan and see Peanut for the first time! It's such a strange / lovely feeling at the moment. I'll be in the middle of doing something at work or watching rubbish TV when suddenly it hits me - I'm pregnant! The thought automatically gives me a lift and makes me feel special. When I'm by myself, I'm reminded that I'm not really alone, that there is a tiny life being created inside me. It's guaranteed to put a smile on my face :D
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