Monday, 22 July 2013

Summer Heat

It's been a couple of weeks and here in the UK we've been experiencing a rare heatwave. Whilst the weather is glorious, it does mean I'm suffering somewhat in the heat. I'll be 25 weeks pregnant tomorrow and not only is my bump getting rather large, but combined with the weather and lethargy, it is starting to get quite challenging to get up from the sofa or bed and move around. I've been feeling more breathless again and having to take things slowly. 

Peanut seems well though, he woke me up last night by bouncing rhythmically on my bladder, which meant I had to get up and use the bathroom. And he was still thumping away in there way into the early hours. We have bought a Pre-Natal Listening Device to hear his kicks and heartbeat, but to be honest, it's not massively effective. It just see to pick up the noise from my fingers holding the thing in place! 

We have our antenatal class booked for a whole day on Sat 24th August. I am looking forward to this, although not watching the video of women giving birth (eek!) I know what happens and there'll be plenty of people in the hospital who know what's going on, so I don't see why I need to watch a person coming out of another person! The midwife who is giving our class is meant to be very good though, so I hear from other mums-to-be at my local Aquabump class. I have been to this a couple of times now and love the chance to socialise with our expectant mummies and cool down in the water. 

Baby shopping is well underway now. We have our baby wish list up on Amazon, to which I'm constantly adding things to:

This is because I hope to have a baby shower in September / October so will hopefully get a few bits as presents!

My nan bought us this beautiful Moses basket from Mothercare on Friday, which I love. I am also loving the Jools Oliver 'Little Bird' range of clothing and accessories in Mothercare too and have a few bits from the range. At first, shopping for the baby seemed so daunting but now I'm loving it!

In just a few weeks I'll be in my third trimester. I can't believe how quickly it's going - the time is just flying by and we still have so much to sort out! Poor J spent this weekend clearing more bits in the spare room and kitchen so we now have room to add some cant things, but I think I'll feel less panicky once the spare room is gutted and cleared and we can behind painting and assembling all the nursery furniture. It will all seem even more real.

Well, Kate Middleton has just gone into labour and an old friend from school gave birth last week to a little girl. My hormones are so shot to bits I cried both times! I am so excited about being a mummy myself though, that any news of other women giving birth just sets me off. And before long it will be my turn! I cannot wait for me and J to have a little family of our own.

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