Friday, 15 August 2014

9 months and counting

So this week Harrison turned 9 months old. We celebrated this milestone and our own 4 year anniversary with a delicious Sunday roast at the Compasses in Pattiswick. It seems hard to believe that enough time has passed for me to grow another baby inside me - though that is the very last thing I want right now! 

As I write this, Harrison is desperately trying to crawl, lifting his shoulders and chest high off the floor and wriggling his bottom and legs. He makes all the right moves and up and rolls over. He finds it very frustrating and if he's in a bit of a precious mood, he will have a little paddy. It's so hard to watch, I try to encourage him and get him into the right position, as well as giving him lots of opportunity to practice, but it's something he has to figure out in his own. Most other babies we know around his age are crawling so by having lots of play dates with them, I'm hoping Harrison will be able to observe how they move and pick up some tips. 

But there are lots of things Harrison can do now and it seems like everyday he picks up a new skill. Amazingly, he understands basic instructions which makes me think he knows what we're saying a lot more than we realise. I will soon have to stop swearing in front of him! Not that I do it that much! 

He can clap his hands, and do it without being shown first if you say 'clap hands' and give him encouragement.

If you ask him where a favourite toy is, like Neep, Iggle Piggle or Dumdy Tiger, 9 times out of 10 he will look around for it, reach it and start playing with it. He does this with his dummy too.

You can play a lovely game with Harrison now. If you roll his light up drum or rainmaker to him, he will often roll it back to you and I've been known to spend 15 - 20 mins getting a good volley going with him.

He can't quite pull himself up to standing yet but he does try, especially in his cot. If you stand him up and give him the edge of the sofa to hold onto, he will stand there quite sturdily and happily for a long time. 

He babbles a lot. He knows what Dada means and sits quite happily saying 'Da-da-da-da', especially when J gets home. He also mimics 'oh dear' (when he drops something on the floor for example). If I'm singing loudly, he will sometimes 'join in' with his own loud 'ooohs' and 'aahs'.

He finds certain things hilarious. Like my sneezes, the word cheese - especially when you replace a word in a favourite song with the word cheese! There is a little green dinosaur called Tony in a programme on Cbeebies called Dinopaws and whenever he comes on screen Harrison giggles away. It's very sweet. He is generally a very happy boy and is always smiling and giggling at things. I love being his mummy so much!