It's so hard to believe that a year ago now I'd just found out I was pregnant. Remembering the nerves and the odd feeling of realising something, a tiny little life, was growing inside me. The incredible journey I've been on in the last year has been overwhelming, exhausting, a huge learning curve but undoubtedly the greatest year of my life. Looking down at my little boy who is fast
asleep in my lap, I get a lump in my throat as my mind replays the sorrows and fear when I thought I was losing him, and also the indescribable joy as I felt him kick and writhe inside me.
I'm still on that journey. Everyday brings a new challenge, a new song to sing to soothe him, a new game to play, a new experience of being Harrison's mummy. On Friday last week he rolled over for the first time - from his tummy to his back. Of course, it happened as I went out if the room for 10 seconds to put a nappy in the bin! I returned to see my boy's wry grin as he realised what he'd just done. There was most definitely a twinkle in his eye! I would have felt terrible if he hadn't rolled straight back over when I flipped him over again. And now that little manoeuvre, that used to take 10 minutes of coaxing and dangling squeaky toys near his head, now takes seconds as he rolls himself every time he's on his tummy. Of course, it's only in one direction now, but who knows? Maybe next week he'll conquer the other side, his little fists bunched with pride and his eyes a-gleam.
Other things Harrison can do...
1. Coos, sighs and makes funny sounds as he learns that making noises whilst moving your mouth and lips makes different sounds
2. Supports his head (he's done that from a very young age anyway)
3. Supports his head, neck and shoulders by lifting them off the ground during tummy time
4. Copies sounds (especially when I say and sign 'I Love You' - it really does sound like he's trying it say it back!
5. Kicks his legs like he's running on the spot
6. Splashes in the bath with all limbs
7. Grabs toys, hair, clothes etc and puts them in his mouth (or tries to)
8. Swats at things, pushes toys away
9. Stands up and sits up sturdily if supported
10. Giggles and laughs at things he finds funny (normally me and J)
It's so funny to think that a year ago he was just a few cells rapidly multiplying and now he's a living, breathing baby, kicking around on his playmat, getting cross with me when I put his coat on and laughing away when I catch him spying on me. Harrison is a proper little baby boy now with so much character. He is just a joy to be around and I'm so excited for the next year! What will he be doing one year on from now I wonder...