Tuesday 10 December 2013

One Month On

Harrison had his one month old birthday yesterday and what a whirlwind of a month it's been! I can't believe how quickly the time has gone and it's both exhilarating, watching our little boy develop everyday, but also bittersweet with the realisation that he will grow up so fast. So, what has happened in the last month? 

J returned to work after his paternity leave ended. That was hard. Really hard for me to see him leave us, knowing that his heart was breaking a little bit to say goodbye. Most week days I spend on average 2 wakeful hours with J. Whilst it used to get me down, now we have a child it really upsets me. In the minutes before he's expected home I'm like our old family dog, Cassie, pacing the hallway, looking through the spy hole in the door every few minutes, eagerly awaiting his return. I carry Harrison around, geeing him up saying 'Daddy will be home soon!' And then the magical moment comes when I see J's bike lights flash up our driveway and I open the door to him and then our evening feels like it's finally begun. Watching Harrison and J spend quality time together is the absolute highlight of my day. 

Harrison has changed so much already. He was focusing on objects and lifting his head up from birth, but everyday his eyesight gets better and his body grows stronger. He is a very happy baby too who (when he's not feeding or sleeping) loves to be cuddled and played with. 

He's just getting used to being on his rainforest gym playmat. Though he can't handle it for very long before becoming bored / overwhelmed, he will happily kick his legs about and be spellbound by the lights and sounds. It's very cute to watch!

Harrison is also sleeping pretty well. Most nights I only have to get up to feed him once, usually at some point between 1:30am and 3am. He is also usually fairly easy to settle afterwards so I've not been too sleep deprived. But sometimes we have bad days (or nights) where he'll just want to be cuddled and played with at 3am! There's also the fun of getting him fed, changed and all drowsy, only to discover his nappy has leaked or he sicks up all over himself, and then I have the hilarious, bleary eyed task of getting him changed whilst he becomes evermore displeased at having been rudely woken from his milk drunk stupor. 

We've been out and about a lot this last month and had lots of visitors. I try to keep his days busy and we always go for a walk somewhere as I'm a firm believer that the fresh air will do us both some good. He normally falls fast asleep as soon as we go out too and so far hasn't screamed in public! We've also had a few play dates with my old best friend from school, Laura, and her little 9 month old boy Coby. Whilst they're both too young to really interact, it's nice to introduce Harrison to socialising with other children so young. 

Breastfeeding is going well - it's definitely got easier but sometimes it's frustrating having to do it whilst out and about or at 3am when I'd rather be asleep! But overall I'm loving being Harrison's mummy. He is such an adorable, lovable little boy that has brought so much joy to our lives already. I can't really imagine what my life would be like without him and I certainly don't want to try. He's just filled our lives and hearts completely.

I will try and post another update soon but as I have discovered, finding the time to grab a few minutes to update this blog is a rarity. I hope Harrison will read this blog one day and realise how much he's been loved and cherished before he was even born.